Sunday, 8:45 AM. 50 degrees, wind NNW, light. The channel is like glass, the Island trees reflecting far across the water. Fog lies in strata over the Island, and the sky is mostly cloudy. We had thunderstorms last night, resulting in .4 inches of rain. The barometer predicts partly cloudy skies.
The fall harvest dinner at the Russell Town Hall yesterday evening was well attended, and we recognized many friends among the attendees, among them Mike, Jim and Myron from maple sugarin’. The menu was roast pork, mashed potatoes and gravy, baked beans, green beans, cabbage slaw and home made rolls. The desert table was replete with all sorts of pies and cakes and cookies. The price was $9.00 for adults, the food delicious and endless. At least half the folks there went home with nice door prizes. We try not to miss any of these local dinners and look forward to the Settlement dinner around Thanksgiving. I bought $20 worth of gun raffle tickets (for two shotguns and a target rifle) and sure hope I win.
Joan and I had a great time and our only regret is that Andy and Judy weren’t there.
The landscape photo is of blueberry bushes and woods in full fall color at Highland Valley Farm, a major local blueberry grower.