We and our guests dined by candlelight on the porch, an elegant setting with a large iron pot of Joan’s excellent chili on the table. The after dinner entertainment was the presidential debates, a snoozer we thought, but the Brewers beat the Cubs, and will probably go to the playoffs.
Asparagus, pictured here, often grows wild along the roadsides and can be quite spectacular in an air sort of way. It can be harvested in early spring if you remember where it is. I missed its bright red berries sometime this spring or summer, the birds got them I am sure. Asparagus is a strong diuretic and was in the past used for that and treating urinary tract stones. It used to be available only in the spring, but with worldwide markets today it can be purchased almost any time of the year.
So it’s off to breakfast with guests and then to an orchard or two.