Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Wednesday, 8:30 AM. 59 degrees, wind SW, calm, the channel is glassy. The sky is overcast and the barometer predicts rain. The rain gage holds only one-tenth of an inch of rain, despite the indications of the last three days. I may have to water the garden anyway, and our new city trees will have to be watered soon as well.
Another sign of approaching fall is the blooming of the native big-leaved aster, Aster macrophyllum, which is a woods under story and roadside plant which often dominates large areas of ground with its big leaves. Although it is an attractive plant in the wild it can’t really hold its own in a formal garden. There are many native asters, often difficult to identify, but this one is easy.
The chamber get-together last night was sponsored by The Winnfield Inn, which has wonderful formal gardens, right on the lake.
More desk work and several meetings will fill the day and give my foot some more rest.