This is now the tourist season in Bayfield, dependent upon cool weather here and hot weather elsewhere. Our economy exists basically on 90 days of potential tourism, and we have a good year if we get them and a bad year if we don’t. There are lots of mundane guy things to be done around here…water the garden, take care of the car and truck, try to fix the boat motor, etc.
The humming birds have been very active again and very curious, one just now helicoptering a foot away and looking me right in the eye. They are chasing each other about in mock battles, teenage boys probably, practicing their adult roles of dive-bombing each other off the feeders.
The mourning doves are exhibiting a lot of nesting behavior, chasing each other about, and fluttering in and out of the pine trees with sticks and things. I would think it late in the season to raise another brood, and the first barely out of the nest. Someone should tell the guys they have already done their annual duty for the survival of the species.
If I get a chance I will go raspberry picking in the boonies this afternoon or tomorrow. I will bell the dog, carry a bell myself and a big walking staff and assume any bears will leave ahead of us. It is also time to start thinking about doing a little target practice out on the Town of Russell shooting range, as hunting season will be here before we know it (and its a lot more fun than working).