The cool, somewhat damp weather has been wonderful for tree growth, a young maple in the yard putting on almost 4’ since spring. All the lilies (native wood lily, oriental and Asiatic lilies) are beautiful this year, as is the lavender. For whatever micro-climatic reason, lavender does extremely well here. I usually think of it as a plant adapted to sunny, arid places, like Provence. But, if there were a market for it I would think it could be a cash crop hereabouts.
We have cyclists staying in the apartment, and they have taken some nice local road trips. This is wonderful cycling country, with only moderate traffic even on many of the state and county roads, and with hundreds and probably thousands of miles of sparsely used paved and unpaved roads to explore. Just be sure to carry a compass, area map and plenty of water if venturing into the barrens or other boondocks on your bicycle.