The fireworks were good and we all went to bed late. The baby couldn’t stop jabbering about it in her crib.
The wren house is empty, the last of the fledglings gone and the parents vacationing on a cruise ship somewhere. Our nest will soon be empty too, the Texas fledglings and their babe (children are always fledglings to their parents) leaving this morning, the Ohio and Colorado contingents tomorrow. Joan and I won’t be going anywhere though.
More summer things are blooming now, like the old fashioned mock orange, Philadelphus coronarius, and the Pekin lilac, Syringa pekinensis, both in bloom up the street. The closely related Japanese tree lilac, Syringa reticulata, is a good small street tree candidate, and will soon bloom as well.
The yard and garden have been neglected during all this family activity, and I have a lot of catching up to do. We will miss all the kids and dogs and family fun, but only after a couple days of recovery.