Thursday, 7:00 AM. 49 degrees, wind NW, calm. The channel is glassy. The skies are blue, and the barometer predicts sunny weather. It is a fabulous morning.
Eva, Nick, Katie and I went fishing at the Washburn marina yesterday morning. We got minnows and a lot of advice at The Outdoor Allure sports shop south of town, but we didn’t get a bite. It was very windy and there were a lot of tangled lines.
Yesterday evening we all roasted marshmallows over a smoky fire and that and pizza sort of made up for the lack of fish at dinner.
There is a lot of activity in the wren house, and I think the rest of the brood will fledge today.
This evening is the first of the summer “Mostly Schubert” concerts at Christ Church, and I have to usher. The performance will be by The Sonora Reed Trio; oboe, clarinet and bassoon. Nick likes classical music and is learning to play the clarinet, so it should be interesting for him.
St. Johnswort, Hypericum kalmianum, is in bloom along the roadsides. It is a pretty yellow-flowered plant, but not of garden substance in my opinion. It is a medicinal herb noted for its calming properties. I have never used it. Might help.