No one else is up and about and after I have my coffee I will start getting some breakfast out. I have already cooked up some sausage on the grill. The young crowd stayed up late talking and I hung in there, but on the periphery, or actually, on the porch. I had the distinct feeling that I was at least a generation apart, as they talked about technical and social issues concerning which I have little experience and less interest. Probably time to pass the baton. It’s rather like when my folks used to talk about life on the farm; which I found mildly interesting but pretty irrelevant. What goes around comes around, as they say.
The coreopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria) are blooming along the roadsides…great wild flowers and very adaptable to the garden.
The Longs (Serril, Loyce and our daughter-in-law Leslie) are going kayaking this afternoon and should have good weather and a good time.
Oops! Ronnie, the little Jack Russell terrier, just got up on the kitchen table and gobbled the sausage. We have been eating too much meat anyway. He looks like an anaconda that just swallowed a goat. He probably shouldn’t be fed for a couple of days, and kept outside.