Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Wednesday, 8:00 AM. 47 degrees, up from 38 at 7:30 AM. Wind NE, calm. The barometer predicts sunny skies, currently hazy. The channel is wrinkled.
More and more trees and shrubs are in leaf and bloom; red elderberry on the side of the house, a native pin cherry, Prunus pennsylvanica, down the road; both very attractive wild plants. Natives seldom are fooled by the weather.
Motel Mike says he has seen later springs; about fifteen years ago he says there was not a tree in leaf on Memorial Day. Erick says his peas are just coming up, and Mike B. is going to plant his today.
The baskets are back outside, and will stay there now until fall. Have to get the herb garden planted, and water ten newly planted red buckeyes, city trees, and mow lawns today or tomorrow.