We got our annuals yesterday at Hauser’s and my weekend task is to make up our hanging baskets and pots. I put them in the garage last night to harden them off, and may put them back there for a day or so after I make them up. I bought a large bag of commercial potting mix, which I have found pays, as it has the proper drainage and nutrient qualities for good baskets. I usually put up eight baskets but may do a couple more. I try to have a little variety, but the conditions are windy and rather tough and I rely mainly on ivy leaved geraniums, along with a fuchsia and a petunia basket or two, all mixed with a few trailing things, etc. I find baskets the perfect accent for a domestic landscape, even if they are a lot of work, as they add color and interest wherever one needs it.
The humidity is still low, and one can see for sixty miles or so including the iron ranges, which appear as distant mountains, which they are, even if worn to relative nubbins over the last umpty-ump million years.