Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Wednesday, 3:30 PM. 12 degrees, barometer predicts sunny skies. Wind E, calm to very light. Skies blue with a few high puffy clouds.
Got back from the ice caves at 1230 PM, in time for a 1:00 PM meeting. Left at 9:00 AM, at 4 degrees on the back, porch, but it was much colder at Myers Beach, I’ll guese –5 degrees with a bit of a biting NE wind. Parking was $1.50 with my Golden Eagle Parks pass (there have to be some advantages to the aging process). I had on Yak Traks, Erik did not but both wore good boots and had ski poles. We had show shoes along but they weren’t needed. The path along the beach was well trod but a bit slippery. The lake ice was extremely rough, even jagged, so than was not an option. The walk was pleasant once we warmed up to the walk, and it got a lot warmer into the morning. The caves are great, some even awesome. One cave room has a height of at least 60 feet and is almost as wide. There are many smaller caves, many interconnected, and it is easy to see how kayakers are tempted into their recesses and get trapped in them by strong surf. Unfortunately this seems to happen every year, often with fatal results. Anyway, the ice allowed us good access. The ice formations are quite interesting and some very pretty, appearing like stalactites and stalagmites, some like frozen waterfalls. The sandstone cliffs are very colorful and if it weren’t for the cold one could easily imagine oneself somewhere in the American Southwest.
We were the first visitors at 9:30 AM, soon followed by a bus full of Bayfield students (lucky kids) and a few others, photographers and just sightseers.
When you go, be sure to walk well past the first few caves, as the best are farther on. Walk at least beyond the obvious point of land at the east end of the bay. I estimate the walk out and back at 3 miles.
Dress sensibly, especially footgear, wear a hat and take a walking stick or ski poles, other than nothing is needed except your camera.
I will post some photos later, as I still am stuck outside the digital realm and rely on film.
Lucky and Morgan didn’t go along, being happy to stay on their respective couches and dream whatever dogs dream about on a cold winter day.
I am guessing the ice will be good for weeks, so come and enjoy, best early in the week if crowds are not to your liking, although you will find everyone friendly and in a festive mood. Best photo light is mid afternoon on a sunny day.

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